These newsletters are my therapy and I get so much from them. Thank you.

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"A good traveller has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving." (Lao-Tzu, 570-490 BC)

Actually, if there is something in common with 'plans' and 'change' is that plans can change. Our experiences as we travel (in life) may be more important than reaching the place we were- originally- aiming for. Through the wandering, that place may change in importance to the point of being forgotten - specially if, on the way to it, we find out there are other places as beautiful and entracing, choosing eventually to lay roots in one of them - even if just for a while.

This very life of ours here is just for a while. And we should do our best to make the journey WORTHwhile.

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Just signed up and I love the letters! Thank you Jeanette x

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Well done, that woman! A good example of how we have more agency than we think we do, specially when the relentless, frenetic activity of (family) life beats our self-belief out of us on a daily basis. It sure does take courage to challenge that and to just try something..... and then, oh, the joy when we find that what we have actually done is to step forward into our power, re-inflate our self-belief a little and resource ourselves to make and meet change beyond the presenting issue. I do hope she celebrated! In fact, I think I'll go and raise a glass to her now.....

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Amazing insight. Thank you for the words. I really am in love with your writing style!

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Spot on - especially for today...thank you JW!

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Thank you 🙏

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This could not have been more well-timed for what I am dealing with in my life. Your words have been such a gift to me for the last 25 years.

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Wise words JW, yes micro-dosing is the way to go. I used to know someone in a similar position to your friend, just come into a bit of money and talking about throwing in her job, selling her home and going traveling. What would happen when the money ran out? It never seemed to enter the equation. Luckily, covid appears to have put a stop to it, for now. It's really a sign of desperation, so sad. I hope your friend pulls through, despite everything.

My Mum and Dad were in Aus in the 50s, my Dad as a £10 pomme. They used to say Aus was full of lonely people who'd dashed out there for a new life, only to their problems with them. The problem is, you can't run away from yourself. It's much better to spend time working out how to make things better, even if you can only do it in small stages.

As an aside on history: organised religion has been used to keep the populace in their place for thousands of years. That's why it's been so keenly adopted by the ruling classes + imposed on the rest. Closer to home, the edict of "knowing your place" really came into it's own after the Civil War, once the monarchy had been restored. Methodism and their ilk established charity schools, ostensibly to educate the poor, but in reality to indoctrinate younger generations to be contented with their lot: never again did they want rebellion fomented by the likes of the Levellers and Diggers. The ideology continues to this day, many (including Labour politicians) trotting out the "if you're poor it's your fault mantra - you're lazy / shirkers / useless / ad infinitum (delete as applicable), an excuse to preserve the social order as it is.

PS Good answers on Any Questions. Although don't think I've ever heard such colourful language on Auntie's radio! Can't do emojis here so picture me bent over laughing : ) Best wishes + keep safe xx

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How’d you get so wise ?

I’m glad for it ..

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Great advice and very timely for me so thank you Jeannette. I admire you so much.

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Needed to read this today. Thank you.

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wonderful article. Thanks

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